Hanbok culture center

Hanbok Pattern Design Platform

Hanbok Pattern Design Platform

Design Platform to Produce
/Manage Hanbok Samples/Patterns

The Digital Platform is available to anyone looking to create
their own Hanbok designs and produce Hanbok samples!
It is the best way to turn your ideas into production!

An online platform that can manage the entire process from pattern design
to sample production, including consultation services, so that Hanbok - the traditional form
of clothing in Korea - can take root more naturally in our everyday lives.

Major Task

  • Available online

    talk to an expert online anytime,
    anywhere, and start producing
    your own Hanbok products

  • Customized sample and
    pattern expert matching

    You can search for an expert by
    product type, material, and design

  • Decision making and purchasing

    Buy products using 3D virtual
    images of Hanbok products

  • Sample and pattern production

    Produce samples and patterns using
    the Pattern Production Room at
    the Hanbok Culture Creative Center